
Date/Time Fields

To enter a date in a Date/Time field, you have the following three options:
·             Manually type the date in the field in MM/DD/YYYY format. Place your cursor in the month section and type two digits for the month, two for the day, and four for the year, using leading zeros if necessary. Specify the time in TT:TT format adding AM or PM, if relevant.
·             Place your cursor anywhere in the date or time field and click on the up and down arrows attached to the field to increase or decrease the time value accordingly.
·             Choose the appropriate date from the field’s built-in calendar.
To display the field’s calendar, click the calendar icon to the right of the Date/Time field. The calendar will open on the current month and year with the current day highlighted. Use the adjacent scrolling arrows to adjust time, month, or year.
If you are running Windows XP or Windows Vista, you may quickly advance the calendar to a different month or year. Click the appropriate time label to display a list of all the months in the year (or years) in a decade. Select the desired month or year to advance to the next level of time hierarchy (i.e., day or month).
After selecting a date, the calendar will close and the Date/Time field will automatically populate with the selected date, while the time portion will display 12:00 AM (or 00:00, depending on your machine’s regional settings).
Note that at any time, you may select the current date by clicking the date marked Today at the bottom of the calendar, or by right-clicking the calendar and selecting Go to today.
To clear the field of all values, click the Remove button  to the right of the Calendar icon.