
Edit a Query

1.     Make sure the query you want to edit is highlighted.
2.     To open and begin editing the query, choose one of the following options:
·     Click Edit on the Ribbon.
·         Right-click in the listing pane, and select Edit from the drop-down menu that appears.
3.       The Query dialog box will open.
·         You can change the query Name, Category, and/or Description.
4.       Click the Edit button to open the query or the Cancel button if you have selected the wrong query.
5.       To view a query’s specifications, select the query from the tree on the Navigation pane. Review the Form(s), Field(s), Selection(s), and Criteria information and make changes to the selected checkboxes, if necessary.
6.       Store the query for access at a later date by clicking  Save on the Ribbon.