
Narrative/Summary/Interview tab

Click Accept & Return to save the changes made to the document and return to the main screen of the entry. If you want to discard the changes made, click Cancel & Return.
Edit position of parts of the entered text by selecting the portion of the text and applying the Cut, Copy, or Paste options. The Undo and Redo buttons toggle the changes you have made to the document.
Format appearance of the text by making it bold, italic, or underlined. Clear the formatting as needed. Apply the centered, left, right, or justified text alignment.
Choose the text highlight and font color. Toggle document views, choosing between the Normal, Page Style, or Float (default) view.
The Sealed option is available in the Narrative, Summary, and Interview Editors only. It functions similarly to the Seal/Unseal button  in the Viewing pane, by which clicking on it removes/assigns editing rights from/to the text.
Note: Once you seal the text, and then save and leave the corresponding record, it can never be unsealed.