
Navigating Data Forms Overview

Every data entry/editing action in Data Forms requires you to first choose one data form type in which you intend to work in: Activities, Incidents, Cases, Items, Persons, Organizations, or Vehicles.
Navigating the Data Forms component is a logically flowing process:
1.       Select the appropriate data form type by clicking the corresponding banner located in the bottom part of the Navigation pane.
2.       Using the Quick View, Saved Views, and All Records buttons located at the top of the Navigation pane, manage the view of the records displayed in the Listing pane. Here you may choose from either displaying all records, or a subset of records, with an option to filter and save the view for future reference.
3.       Select an existing record from the Listing pane, or create a new record for the chosen data form type (e.g., a new Incident record).
4.       Enter and/or modify the data contained in your active record.
5.       Print your record in the form of a report.
The following chapters will address the options available for each of these steps in greater detail.