
Perform Calculations on Query Results

1.     To perform calculations on data in query results that were created using the Group By option, select the Outlook Group By radio box in the View Style section. The Sigma (Ʃ) symbol will appear on all column headings. (If the Group By function was used to build the query, Sigma will automatically appear on column headings.)
2.     To perform data calculation on a column of data, click the Ʃ button at the top of the respective column. The Select Summaries dialog box will open.
3.     Select the type of calculation that is required for the column (Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, and/or Sum). You can select more than one calculation option.
4.     Click OK.
The calculation results will be displayed below the appropriate columns at the bottom of the query results. If your results were grouped by a field within the query results window, then the calculations will apply and be displayed for each group.