  • Gateway


All new electronically submitted reports flow through the Gateway. It serves as an inbox, where designated Gateway Administrators and Gateway Approvers assess each electronic report before accepting it into Perspective or deleting it from the system.
Electronic reports in the Gateway can be submitted from a number of sources. If your organization uses Perspective e-Reporting or Portal, Incident reports may be submitted from a workgroup’s e-Reporting Web page. Otherwise, Incident, Item, Person, Organization, and Vehicle reports may be imported using Perspective’s built-in Import Manager. Imports may originate from a computer, Web site, PDA, mobile phone, or any electronic medium that enables creation and transfer of files in XML format.
Once the Gateway Administrator and Gateway Approver have been granted appropriate user rights by the System Administrator, they will have access to the Gateway and the electronic reports stored in it. Their respective roles involve the authority to review these reports and perform their associated functions.
Gateway Administrator and Gateway Approver both can:
Edit Incident reports (or e-Incidents).
View imported Item, Person, Organization, or Vehicle reports.
Make the imported reports available for authorized users to add to the Perspective database.
Delete the imported reports from the system.
Only Gateway Administrator can:
Only Gateway Approver can:
Assign e-Incidents to the Gateway Approver for follow-up.
Accept e-Incidents into Perspective as valid incidents.
Delete e-Incidents from the system.
Send e-Incidents back to the Gateway Administrator for reassignment.
Store e-Incidents in a Pending folder for review at a later date, if they contain insufficient information to accept or reject them.