
Data Chart

The data chart tab allows you to modify how you view your data results. The following section will give you an in-depth understanding of the options you can use in the Data Chart section of Analyze Results.
1.       Click the Show as Data Chart tab.
2.       From the Chart Type drop-down menu, select the type of chart you want your results to be displayed in.
3.       Enter a title for your chart in the Title field.
4.       Enter a subtitle for your chart in the Subtitle field.
5.       Select the Show Marker Values checkbox to see exact counts.
6.       Select the Enable DataPoint Tracking checkbox to allow you to track exact numbers for different variables. Hover over the chart to have these numbers displayed.
7.       Select the Show Shadows checkbox to better define particular variables on your chart.
8.       Select the Show Zoom Options checkbox if you want to be able to zoom into specific areas of your chart. To do this, hover over the small replica of your chart to decide if you want to:
·         Zoom out
·         Zoom in
·         Reset your zoom to default , or
·         Select the default mouse drag interaction by right-clicking the  button (zoom into selection area , or pan )
Note: If you Copy Chart as Image, you need to deselect the Show Zoom Options checkbox or else it will appear in your copied image.
9.       By default, the Show Legend checkbox is selected. To hide the legend, deselect the Show Legend checkbox.
10.     From the Legend Position drop-down menu, select where you want your legend to appear in relation to the chart.
11.     You can copy the chart and paste it into a document (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel). To do this, click the Copy Chart as Image button, open the program that you want to copy the chart to, and paste it. Or, you can save your chart to your desktop by clicking the Save Chart as Image button.
Note: Hide the charting options by clicking the Chart Options  button. Bring the options back into view by clicking the  button.