  • Gateway
  • Items, Persons, Organizations and Vehicles

Items, Persons, Organizations and Vehicles

Note: Item, Person, Organization, and Vehicle reports can only be imported to the Gateway using the Import Manager.
To view imported Item, Person, Organization, or Vehicle reports, click on the appropriate banner in the Navigation pane. The following folders will be displayed:
·             New: New imported reports that have not yet been assessed.
·             Available: Imported reports that have been deemed valid, and made available for authorized users to add to the Perspective database.
·             Added: Imported reports that were first made available within Perspective, and then added by authorized users to the database as valid Item, Person, Organization, or Vehicle records.
·             Deleted: Imported reports that have been marked for deletion upon purge. These can be made available for adding to the database before the purge occurs.
After selecting an e-Report in the appropriate Listing pane of the New folder, you can use the buttons available on the Viewing pane toolbar to perform the three basic report functions that are available for both the Gateway Administrator and the Gateway Approver.
Makes a report available for authorized users to add to the Perspective database, while transferring it to the Available folder. If an authorized user chooses to add a new record to one of the Data Forms components, the data in the added report will be displayed as available for adding. Simultaneously, the report will be moved from the Available folder to the Added folder.
At the end of the Added Retention Period specified for the report’s workgroup by the System Administrator, the imported report will be purged from the Gateway. However, the original XML report will remain in Perspective as an attachment to the newly created Perspective Item, Person, Organization, or Vehicle record.
Deletes a report from the Gateway as invalid.
Once you click the Delete button, a pop-up confirmation window will appear. Choose the Mark As Delete radio button to store the imported report in the Deleted folder, where it can be recovered at any time prior to the end of the Deleted Retention Period specified for the report’s workgroup by the System Administrator. Otherwise, choose the Immediate Delete radio button to permanently delete the report. Click Delete to confirm your choice.
XML View
Displays the imported report in its original XML format including hidden data, if available. Click the XML View button again to return to the standard view.
Note: When an incident is in the Gateway