
Persons Form

Use this form to record the details of a person. Every person, from general maintenance users to suspects and officers, must have their own record. Records can be created for persons who have the same name, as well as for persons who are unknown. Before creating a new record, do a record search to ensure that the information has not already been entered.
Persons Form
·             Create a new Person record.
·             Note the person's unique features or distinguishing marks.
·             Record the person’s identification details.
·             Document the person’s trespass details.
·             Flag the person.
·             List the person's known addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
·             Link the person to another person.
·             Link the person to an organization.
·             Link the person to a vehicle.
·             View the incidents the person has been involved in.
·             Add an incident associated with the person into a case.
·             Attach a file to the Person record.
·             Set security controls for the Person record.
·             Define which workgroups can access the Person record.
Audit History
·            View the history of all changes made to the Person record. Visibility of Audit History depends on user permissions.